Mbaby Maker

Made 3 May babies & 1 March baby!!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Defining The May Maker

it took me a long time to define a "name" for my blog. What defines me? All three of my children were born in May. I realized that the only thing right now that defines me are my children and my husband. Not much else. They come first and then if I have a minute at the end of the day ... then its my turn. Lets see that gives me enough time to brush my teeth and clean my face. Oh Joy. A litte bitterness to this first post eh? It would all be better if just maybe a fraction of my life would be appreciated. Maybe just the fact that I work my ass off for my family and not only is it all expected ... its expected in a timely fashion .. LIKE NOW .. RIGHT NOW! This picture is the latest May baby. She is now 2 months old and her name is BabyJ. Her "2nd" middle name is Harry :)

Here we go!!!!