Mbaby Maker

Made 3 May babies & 1 March baby!!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Mohawk

Been a very lazy weekend at Casa MommyC. Movies, heely's, music and mohawks. Friday Hijo went to a buddy's to help him put air bags on his new van. So the kids each had a McD's gift card so we went there for dinner. Good thing they spent their own money because they didn't eat very well. I borrowed $1 from one of their cards for a side salad and then stole a nugget and cut it up over the salad YUM! Saturday we got up late .. I made a big breakfast then Hijo went off to a round of golf. I took the kids to a friends house to get their hair cuts. LittleB decided he wanted a mohawk and it looks incredibly awesome!!!! Came home to hang out and have drinks with a friend waiting for the guys to come home from golf, grilled some kabobs and just relaxed. Yesterday we gave BigB his heely's a few days early so that he could learn how to use them while we were home with no big plans. He argued for awhile till I made him sit down and read the online instructions. Then it clicked. LittleB got out his (he got a pair for his bday too) and cried while trying to figure it out. ugh!
Boring post however the weekend has been relaxing .. no driving. The house is clean, the laundry is done. Back to work tomorrow! I'd rather have boring then tragedy!


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